If you'd like to write for Read.Learn.Write you're in luck. I accept personal essays from contributors that meet the following requirements:

Length: You should aim for 500-1200 words. With that said, if your essay is either above or below that and is exceptional it will not be rejected based on length.

Bio: Please include a brief bio with your submission. This will be included at the bottom of your essay the day it is published.

Response: I ask for your patience in responding to your submission. If you're patient and kind I don't mind if you email to inquire about your submission: readlearnwrite@gmail.com.

What am I looking for?

I'm most interested in your personal experiences with reading, learning, and writing. Your personal experiences with specific books are my favorite posts to read and publish.

I tend to prefer articles that encourage adult reading which is not to say that childhood reading is unimportant, because it certainly is important, but that's just not my area of focus or expertise. 

I am less interested in posts about copywriting techniques or to win copywriting jobs. That's not because those things are not important, but they are already very adequately covered on other sites. Please don't pitch or submit along these lines to me.

The best source for learning the kinds of posts I tend to accept for the site is the existing site content. You can find a link to the archives at readlearnwrite.com.

Here are some tips to make the most of your submission:

1. Subscribe to the blog and read some posts before you submit. 

2. I pay on publication. I often have a backlog of guest posts and only use so many per month. I am now offering $50 for a well-written guest post. You should have a PayPal account before you submit and send the email address associated with your PayPal account with your article.

3. I am buying exclusive first-time publication rights. I reserve the right to reprint your post on other sites and in ebooks. You may reprint the post elsewhere after 90 days.

4. On the day your post goes up, please respond to comments. Part of what I pay for is your helping to drive engagement and social sharing of the post.

If for some reason I decline your submission please do not consider that a statement on the quality of your work, rather, the topic may have been covered on the site already, or it just may not fit with my overall vision for the content of the site.
